Thursday, February 21, 2008

A blovel teaser

After much contemplation on how to make this blog of use to me and anyone else who may stumble upon it - I have decided to write a blovel. I have to write the first chapter, but until then here is a bit of a teaser, just to make sure you come back and read the whole chapter later.

The frigid cold of 7 a.m. when you are waiting for a bus and it is seventeen minutes late is what I imagine hell to be - if it were inversed. I complain about winter, whether I am in it or not. This is not because I am a chronic complainer or one of those people that likes to make meaningless small talk about the weather - it is because I genuinely do not understand why any people choose to live in this place.

1 comment:

~dgee said...

Elizabeth, my dear one... I would like very much to read more! When do we get beyond the "teaser" to more? And since I have your attention i saw a great documentary on Pete Seeger last evening called "The Power of Song". I think you would appreciate it very much... check it out! PD