Monday, February 2, 2009

Now is the time

It is definitely time for me to get back into writing mode. I have enrolled in a creative writing graduate course this semester. This is the first course I have taken and hope it will awaken the side of my brain that is keen to creativity.

With that being said, I feel it is time to get back on the blogging bandwagon again. Not sure what I will write about. For the class, I have to keep a journal about how my writing is going. This blog might be an appropriate forum for that. At this point, I am feeling totally daunted by the prospect of writing. There is something that is slightly paralyzing about the process, because there is no concrete process to doing it. Too often, my approach has been to write when I feel like it. Well, that has resulted in too many stories ending at their climax and scripts going unseens for months. It is time to commit and write it out, even when I don't feel like it.